Cancer is a disease that can kill anyone within an instant. Although the disease is dangerous and causes disease including death in Indonesia, we can still do a variety of things to prevent it. Even the habit easily could be actually any good habits to prevent cancer.
One of the main causes of someone getting cancer is due to lifestyle factors. So want to avoid cancer, you need to pay more attention to life style with more carefully again. No need to be confused should do anything to prevent cancer. The following 6 easy habits that can prevent cancer that you can try to do for starters.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetable
Results of the study from the World Cancer Research Fund, showed that there is strong evidence that vegetables, fruit, whole grain, and nuts can protect us from attacks of various kinds of cancers such as cancer of the mouth, stomach, and intestines. Reduce the consumption of instant food containing sugar and salt. Change our diet to consume foods that are fresher and fibrous.
Choose vegetables with dark green. Chlorophyll gives the color dark green contain magnesium which can lower the risk of developing bowel cancer.
1.Lots of laughs
Much is laughing, because this is an easy habit could prevent cancer. This fun activity other than the liver can make happy, it turns out that laugh is beneficial for the health of the body. Laughing can boost the immune system, suppressing stress hormones, and can also stimulate the body to produce T cells that can fight cancer.
2.Don't sit for too long
The risk of developing cancer of the uterus or cervical cancer in particular, intestines, and lungs increased by 10 percent every time we sit two hours duration. It is based on a review of studies conducted by the University of Regensburg in Germany. People who are physically active have a high risk factor for developing cancer if it does not move the body in a long period. Though you have to sit for hours every day, always take the time to exercise. Or give pause every few minutes to stand up and do the exercise.
3.Do sports
According to the World Cancer Research Fund, gentle exercise for 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of getting cancer by as much as 50 percent. The sport is not heavily sports or sports should have to do with the tools are expensive. There are many activities that can stimulate the heartbeat.
Some examples of activities you can do instead of sports, among others, go to work on foot, gardening, or simply MOP the House. There are many daily activities that can be done as a punitive exercise. Choose an activity that you like most. The important thing is you can be sure that Your heart rate can be faster and the blood could flow more smoothly.
4.The consumption of more garlic
So you can prevent cancer, consumption more garlic because it contains sulfur that can stimulate the body's immune defenses or antibodies against cancer. The study mentions that garlic can lower the risk of developing bowel cancer by as much as 12 times. You can add more garlic into Your dishes.
5.Sleep with the light turned off
A lot of research proving that exposure to artificial excess rays at night can increase the risk of cancer, including breast and prostate cancer. Experts say that this is due to the increasing levels of the stress hormone cortisol that makes the immune system decline.
The researchers also mention sleeping with the lights turned off can maintain sleep melatonin hormone levels remain stable. So as to prevent the emergence of a number of cancers. Do easy habits prevent cancer with a habit turning out the lights while sleeping.