Dec 29, 2014

The Early Symptoms Of Cancer


For the men/women recommend getting to know the cancer early symptoms, because & this cancer disease in case. This cancer has a record that can be dangerous, and very deadly, thus mandatory for you to know about cancer early symptoms early & and details. Therefore recognize the early symptoms of the cancer.

Indeed we are in the stress of getting to know the characteristics of the cancer early symptoms & in order to minimize the occurrence of cancer itself. Because this cancer can heal and patients can return to normal, if cancer is detected early, but if not detected early the sufferer does not cover possible result in more fatal. Let's Know more on cancer early symptoms & by seeking information from a variety of sources such as the internet and more or you can consult a doctor who specifically deal with this cancer. The following Cancer and symptoms Initially:

Brain cancer: head pain continuously in the morning, and somewhat eased at midday, epilepsy, body weakness, numbness in the arms and legs, difficulty walking, often sleepy, not normal changes in vision, personality changes, changes in memory, and it feels hard to speak.

Oral cancer: often have thrush in the mouth, tongue and gums which failed to recover to the time period that is long enough.

Throat cancer: the continuous Cough, hoarseness and raucous.

Cancer lungs: Cough constantly, often out of phlegm mixed with blood, often experience pain in the chest area.

Breast cancer: the presence of bumps around the breast, thickening of the skin of the breast, experienced the change of shape, often feels itchy, often reddish-colored, and the pain that has nothing to do with nursing or menstruating.

Cancers of the digestive tract: the presence of blood in the dirt that marked the color bright red or black, bad taste surrounding the abdominal area continuously, there is a lump in the area of the abdomen, pain after eating, and weight loss.

Uterine cancer: the occurrence of bleeding during the coming months, when the menstrual blood out not as usually and the presence of pain that feels incredible.

Colon Cancer: the presence of bleeding in the rectum, there is blood in the feces, any change in bowel (diarrhea or continued support may be difficult to defecate).

Bladder cancer: out of blood by the time wasting urine, pain or burning upon urination, reasonable in frequency or difficulty urinating, and feels so sore in the bladder area.

Prostate Cancer: Pee is not smooth, continuous pain in the lumbar region of the back, upper thigh and penis.

Cancer is the fruit of the phallus (Testicles): the presence of bumps on the fruit of the phallus, the size of the shelter an enlarged phallus fruit and thickened suddenly, pain in the lower abdomen, breasts enlarged or become mushy.

Lymphoma: Originates from the tissues that form the blood, for example, a network of lymph, lymphatic lacteal gland, lymph, variety, thymus, and bone marrow. Types of Lymphoma cancer is a more specific disease Hodgkin's Lymph Gland Cancer IE and Lymph.

Cancer-Leukemia (blood): the face is often pale, chronic fatigue, weight loss, easily exposed to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, and often suffered a nosebleed.

Skin cancer: the presence of bumps on the skin that resembles warts (hardens like a horn), the infection often have failed to recover, the presence of spots that change color and size, embossed pain in certain areas, changes in skin color splotches.

Hopefully the information about early symptoms of these cancers can be beneficial ....

The Early Symptoms Of Cancer Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Jean Bays

