During pregnancy many mothers who are concerned about the health of womb, in infant death case content does little. Although sometimes the mothers have been cautious in taking care of the fetus during pregnancy, did not cover the possibility of a baby who died in the womb could be conceived. Many of the factors that cause fetal death in womb, could be from womb itself or the condition of pregnant women who are not healthy.
Here are some factors cause the fetus dies in the womb or called Intra Uterin Fetal Death (IUFD)
1. Departments of fetus
The required nutrients and oxygen the fetus passes through the umbilical cord. If a twisted cord, supply will be distracted, even at a standstill. Usually, this happens because a very excessive fetal movement, especially the movement in one direction only.
In addition, this happens because of the condition of pregnant women who suffer from certain diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, heart, which causes the fetus suffered lack of oxygen so that it moves wildly and make twisted cord. Another possibility, the amniotic water runs out so that automatic compressed umbilical cord between the body of the fetus and mother, which resulted in a fetus "choked" because oxygen supply was stopped.
2. Pregnancy through time
Pregnancy is usually targeted to ages 42 weeks. When more of it, pregnancy is considered passing time. The placenta will experience aging so that its functions are reduced, which it is feared will cause fetal deficiency of the intake of nutrients and oxygen.
In addition, the amniotic fluid will become thick and green, that if the fetus are inhaled into the lungs, it can cause poisoning, infections, until death. This can be evaluated through an ULTRASOUND with color doppler so it can be seen umbilikalis the heart artery flow to the fetus. If so, then the pregnancy should be terminated by means of induced. That's the need for estimates of pregnancy on early pregnancy and late pregnancy through ultrasound.
3. Fetal blood type does not match the mom
The possibility of other causes of fetal death in womb, the mother's blood does not match the fetus, for example on blood type A, B, and o. the fetus may have blood type A or B, while his mother's blood group O, or vice versa. This mismatch makes nutrients and oxygen it's difficult entry into the fetus, while the blood of the mother will make antibodies are substances causing fetal growth stalled.
4. Mother's Disease and infection
Disorders in pregnant women can also make fetal growth stopped, for example: diabetes, heart, hypertension, and impaired nutrient deficiencies. These diseases would reduce the intake of nutrients to the fetus until the fetus can not grow properly. In addition, bacterial infections or viruses will also make fetal growth is compromised, even causing the fetus dies in the womb.
When pregnant mothers should keep up with the good body condition in order to avoid a variety of bacterial infections or viruses. High fever in the mother could result in the fetus will not stand the heat of the body of his mother.
5. Congenital and genetic disorders
Genetic disorders, such as chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, fetal growth can make stops. Other causes of fetal congenital abnormalities, such as fetal heart not grow perfect, leak, the lungs cannot expand, or other abnormalities that can lead to the death of the fetus.
6. Trauma while pregnant
Pregnant women who had an accident and collision occurs in the stomach could result in placenta detached. Although only partially detached, this condition can cause bleeding so the intake of nutrients and oxygen into the body of the fetus has stopped.
7. Rhesus blood does not match
This mismatch e.g. occurred because the fetus following the rhesus blood of fathers who are more dominant. Whereas, the rhesus (Rh) moms and dads differ; the mother Rh negative and the father Rh positive. This mismatch can affect the condition of the fetus. For example, the fetus is experiencing hidrops fetalis, immunological reactions that could bring excessive swelling of the skin of the fetus, the excess fluid in the abdominal cavity, a buildup of fluid in the chest cavity or cavities of the heart, which causes fetal death in womb