May 14, 2016

How To Cope With Warts


Common wart is actually an infection in the top layer of the skin, caused by the virus in human human papilloma virus, or HPV, the family.

The infection appears with direct contact or indirect contact with the subjects or with auto inokulasi (when the warts virus will infect healthy skin from the same person) was not a time of incubation last 1-6 months.

Warts are hard half circle with a knot the size of a lentil, or nuts. They have the same color skin, but then due to hyper keratosis they got yellow-grey surface color. Their shaky and abusive. They appear alone or in groups (from 1 to 10 or more).

Usually a new wart (wart satellite) appears around an existing wart (wart primer) which is always bigger that the warts.

You can find them on the dorsal side of the hands and fingers, the younger population. In children the nail-biting warts can appear under  wart nails-that is difficult to heal. Their changes have a tendency to disappear. But after removal of warts can show up again.

We represent some of the homemade, traditional medicines that will help you to get rid of warts on the natural way:


  • 100 ml vinegar
  • 2 lemon rind

Preparation: chop and grate lemon rind. Mix the ingredients and put the mixture in a glass bottle to stay for a week. Insert the dough on Your warts a few times in a day. After a few days the wart will start to dry out and then they'll drop off.

Reception with the egg shells to remove warts

For this medication you will need two fresh eggs, cotton and gauze.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and bake egg shells for half an hour on paper bread. After clams are cold, crushing them a fine piece, and it would be better to make a powder of them. Store them in a dry glass containers, which shut down properly. Applying powder on each wart, covered with cotton and gauze. You have to bring slavery for 2-3 weeks, and once every three days You should replace them with new ones.

How To Cope With Warts Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdul Rachim

