Sore eyes is all diseases or disorders of the eyes which makes the eye becomes a pain. Although not classified into types of deadly diseases, but still, sore eyes this may interfere with our daily activities. Types of causes and symptoms ... sore eyes.
Eye pain due to irritation
This type of eye pain caused by irritation as well as exposed to splashing.
Sore eyes due to Allergies
This eye disorders caused by allergies such as dust, pollen or pet fur. Sore eyes can this happen in quite a long time. But not included into the category of a sore eyes contagious. This type of eye disease usually characterized by the presence of itching in the eye.
Handling: If you experienced was caused by allergies, you can use the drug drops. But before, you must first consult a doctor. In order to get the right care instructions. Usually the doctor will provide the drug to prevent/reduce the allergy.
Viral Conjunctivitis
Is eye disorders caused by viruses and including the infectious type of sore eyes. But calm, sore eyes of this type do not require special care. Because in the past few days alone will heal by itself. The hallmark of viral conjunctivitis is the existence of a clear liquid and dilute from the eye.
Handle: to treat sore eyes this could use drug drops and antibiotic ointment. If the drugs are used appropriately, then it hurts the eyes will recover in a few days. For it is important that, before using a medicated drops/ointments, first you should consult first with your doctor so that you can be the right advice and instructions.
Sore eyes due to bacteria
Sore eyes is caused by a bacterial infection and included into the kind of sore eyes are pretty serious. Because if not treated properly, can cause serious damage to the eyes. The difference between a sore eye caused by viruses and bacteria that is set from the fluid that is issued. If marked by the existence of clear liquid and dilute it, then this bacterial conjunctivitis in contrast that is characterized by the presence of yellowish viscous fluid
Of the equation i.e., it contains the same type of sore eyes contagious.
Handle: actually this type of sore eyes, does not require special handling. Eye disorders caused by viruses only need time for healing that is two to three weeks. Maybe you will need antiviral drugs when doctors declared that the pain that you suffered are caused by the herpes virus simplex.
The following Powerful Tips to treat sore Eyes With Traditional materials that exist around our environment, that is. ...
Treat Sore Eyes Are Traditional With Betel Leaf
- Provide 1-3 pieces of betel leaves and wash up until completely clean
- then combine the betel leaves with water to taste and wait for it to boil.
- Once the water is boiling, lift and wait until the water is cold the betel leaf decoction
- then strain the water decoction of betel leaves with tea strainer.
- Use the decoction of water to clean the eye area is ill or it could also serve as the drops directly on your eyes.
Treat Sore Eyes Are Traditional With Garlic
- First wash your eyes with clean water
- Then pat dry with a towel soft-textured, dry and clean
- Prepare 1 clove of garlic, then Peel and cut the section ends
- DAB the surface of the cut garlic last at the bottom of the eyelids (how to use it just like when you use eyeliner)
- Let sit a few moments until your eyes feel sore
- Do not immediately washed, if you need to apply again the garlic
- In order not to interfere with the activity, we recommend that you do this way before you sleep.
Treat Sore Eyes Are Traditional With Warm Water
- First, wipe your eyes to truly clean from dirt, dust
- then compress your eyes with warm water, it aims to reduce the pain in the eyes
- Avoid watching television while you are experiencing sore eyes
- When you need to use the drops
- So the info Tip Potent Treat red eyes With Traditional Medications, perform with regular tips to be able to get satisfactory results.