Banana plants are usually entirely part of it could be used. From its roots that could make cracker, then stalks that can be cooked, then leaves as well as food wrappers and fruit can be consumed with the good health of their subjects. However, do you know if there is a side of bananas are no less useful for health, that is the heart of the bananas.
Banana heart no in its trunk, but outside of the stem, rather hang a banana fruit in unison. The heart of this place bananas bananas come from, if there is a banana shape would be seen small flowering in each side of the heart. The side that has the color red as the fruit of this mahogany in fact had health benefits for what could be made so the diet program menu. Outside of that there is also another benefit from the heart of banana for health such as preventing a stroke as well as diabetes. Below the explanation!
Diet Program Menu
One of the benefits of heart banana i.e. can lose weight, and can make the body more streamlined like craving a few women. This kind of thing because of the high fiber content which can make the stomach continues to satiety for longer and a little fat content of about 0, 3 gr/25 gr banana heart. So, the heart of bananas must be entered into the list of diet program menu.
Cure and prevent strokes
Banana heart in fact may also prevent strokes that including chronic diseases. Beyond that, the nutrient content of banana can avoid heart inflammation in the brain. So, the heart of the bananas as well as food diet program can also heal and prevent strokes.
Prevent and cure Diabetes
The low glycemic index at the heart of the bananas are good for diabetic patients. Beyond that, the heart of banana can also bind cholesterol and fat evil later designate in issuing joint dirt, to also be useful for the digestive system.
So, the heart of bananas are also counted as a bully growing bananas, in fact have great benefits to health, especially for the low-fat diet program and rich in fiber. Hopefully useful!