May 31, 2016



The warm water has many benefits that are not known by many people. The known benefits of warm water is just like regular water, i.e. to remove the thirst in the body. The benefits of drinking warm water not only that, but there are many more other benefits that are not yet known, especially in the field of health.

The benefits of drinking of warm water in the health field very much at all. Warm water is good water is colorless, odorless and also not felt. Pure and warm water is better for your health than with water that's been mixed with sugar. Healthy water is warm water clear, pure, and of course it's been through the process of ripening so that germs and bacteria in it is dead.

In addition to the pure warm water, warm water mixed with some fresh lemon juice could increasingly nourish the body. To address the specific conditions of warm water can be mixed with other ingredients. The benefits of drinking warm water are as follows:

1. Dampen the itching in the throat

When you cough, of course you feel that your throat is very scratchy and hoarse. It is because in your throat there is a viral cough that causes itching. Drink a glass of warm water can relieve the itch in your throat. A sense of warmth from the water can neutralize the virus coughs in the throat.

2. Create a Weight Decreasing

Warm water could be useful to make the metabolism in the body to be healthy. For health, consuming warm water could make the ideal body weight. As for who want to lose weight, warm water mixed with some fresh lemon juice to lose weight can even make a few pounds. The trick is as follows:

The time of the morning, you can start your activity with a glass of warm water. Don't forget to mix the juice of a lemon. Use the tea strainer lemon seed did not participate so that entry into the water. Don't eat it first for 15 minutes in order to warm water mixed with the juice of the lemon reacts. The workings of the lemon juice, warm water this is the juice of lemon water will break down fat to accumulate in the tissues of the body that exists in some parts of the organ. Especially at the arms, thighs and stomach also.

3. Relieve nose and throat

When exposed to coughs and colds, a person will feel discomfort in the nose and throat as well. For coughs, throat phlegm so will be filled with phlegm. So these could clog the throat of phlegm. Coughing is also accompanied by a runny nose. When a cold nose would be clogged with mucus. Moments like that, you need warm water. Warm water can relieve you from the nose and throat of phlegm and mucus also. Warm water serves as a natural antibiotic so it can relieve the nose and throat.

4. Natural Detox

Warm water can be beneficial to the process of natural detox for body. Detox is the proper way to remove the toxins in our body. Many toxins are stored in the intestines, the cause is as follows:

The intestine is an organ of digestion which is traversed by the food that has been digested. Poison or toxins of the body much generated from food.

Unhealthy foods (fatty, greasy, high cholesterol, high in preservatives, dyes and artificial sweeteners) will also be digested and passes on to the intestines.

Unhealthy foods could not be absorbed by the body, so their toxicity can attaches to the intestine. Detox useful for removing toxins especially toxins in the intestines through sweat, urine and feces as well.
If not issued these toxins can cause a variety of diseases. The worst disease the result of toxins that accumulate in the intestine is bowel cancer.

To perform a one-time cost an expensive detoxification, but must also be coupled with ancillary products expenses a toxin. Now you can do a free and easy detox. That is by using warm water. How to do a detox using warm water are as follows:
Drink warm water when waking up, try to let your body become sweaty afterwards.

Drink warm water before you sleep, try to let the body also sweating. If warm water is not yet able to make the sweaty, add a little hot water.

When the body sweating, it indicates if your body temperature is on the rise.

When body temperature increased toxins will be issued through the sweat, the rest will be expelled through the urine and stool. Do it on a regular basis so that the toxin could be wasted.

There is no toxin in the gut could avoid the risk of developing cancer of the colon. Especially cancer of the colon and colorectal.
Maximum results could be added with some lemon juice and honey.

5. Help Bowel Movement

Bowel movement will be smooth if you consume warm water. Warm water can prevent you from excessive thirst or dehydration. If you lack a liquid and dehydrated, you can get constipated. People affected by constipation will feel the pain when the CHAPTER and also cause pain. The exact time for the CHAPTER is a time of the morning. Try to drink warm water when you wake up, it is because when the morning your stomach empty conditions. Warm water which you drink to prevent dehydration, and saris outlines food sticking in the digestive organs. Warm water can also make food particles become softer. Food particles that make bowel movements softer became more smoothly

6. Make the digestion to be smooth

Warm water can cause digestive to be smooth. After you consume something try to not consume ice water but try to consume warm water. The reason is:

Water ice can also agglomerate oil and fat in the body. Oils and fats which is already lumpy can cause cancer even tumors
Ice water can't absorb the content of the foods we eat, as a result of any food with nutrition if balanced with ice water can't be absorbed by the body.
Water ice is able to create the flab in the gut. Flab in the colon can interfere with digestion.

If after eating food you replace a glass of ice water with a glass of warm water, you can avoid all of the above. The reason is:

Warm water is able to make the food absorbed perfectly.
Warm water is able to dissolve oils and fats along with the blood circulation in the human body is not even agglomerate or stockpiling

The rest of the food is digested by the body made in small particles, making it easier for the colon to throw it through the stool.

7. Launch the blood circulation

Warm water is also useful for waging a blood circulation in the body. Can hot water dilates the blood vessels. If the blood vessels widen, the blood flow throughout the body to be smooth.

8. Create a healthy nervous system

A healthy nerve can be created with a glass of warm water. It's because consuming warm water can unleash a blood circulation, a smooth blood circulation can support the activity of the nerves to be smooth. The activity of the nerve and the nerve undisturbed performance could make the nervous system to be healthy.

9. Relieve Leg Cramps

For those of you who feel cramping in your feet, it's good you handle it using warm water. Drink warm water added with a little honey. You can also soak your feet in warm water that has been mixed with salt for 15 minutes, the massage-massage the soles of your feet are soft. Cramping will soon disappear from the soles of your feet. To look out for from the cramps were as follows:

The leg cramps accompanied by cramps in the Palm of the hand.
Cramps arise at certain times e.g. during nighttime and also towards morning.
When the recurrent cramps and at the same time (the night and by morning), immediately checking the condition of your health. These cramps can be an indication of diabetes, uric acid or cholesterol.

10. Soothe and relieve Stress

Warm water also has psychic benefit to someone. If you're the controversy and gundah. It's good in the morning you enjoy a glass of warm water in the morning air while inhaling deeply. It can soothe your soul and mind. The effect you'll feel calm.

11. Eliminate Sleepiness

Benefits of drinking hot water is also very important to be felt at the time of the morning, because there are still many who are sleepy. Sleepy can be caused by various factors such as beds that are not only qualified, sleeping too late and waking up too early. To overcome the drowsiness you, drink warm water. Keep up your body sweating. Guaranteed, once you sweat because a glass of warm water. Drowsiness you soon lost.

12. Uplifting

In the morning a lot of people who feel lazy to do daily activities. For example, clean home page, clean the floors of the House and many more. Supported by the morning cold weather taste lazy. To arouse passion in the morning you should SIP a glass of warm water first. Taste of lazy you will be gone replaced with a spirit that exists within you.

13. Cold sense of Administrative

Rainy weather like this raises a sense of cool on the skin of the body. Consume warm water can increase body temperature. Increased body temperature could be useful to ward off and get rid of a cold.

14. Make Sleep Quality

You often woke up and awake at nights?. It signifies that you have less quality sleep patterns. sleep quality can not cause someone exposed to a variety of diseases. For example, diabetes, heart, hypertension and other chronic diseases. To make your quality of sleep and more sleep, you can drink warm water mixed with mint-scented tea before going to bed. Be great if you use warm water to soak your body. Your muscles and your body will be relaxed. After the body relax, you will sleep soundly without waking up in the evening.

15. Nourish

Warm water is beneficial to healthy organs. As we know in advance that, warm water can be soothing and relieve stress. The low level of stress people who could make people healthy and prevent various diseases. Diseases that often afflict people with high stress is the heart, stroke, high blood even malignant cancer though.

16. Remove Nausea

When you get pregnant young, you will often feel nauseous while brushing my teeth. To overcome the nausea, preferably before brushing my teeth you drank warm water first. The warm water mixed with mint tea can relieve the nausea of pregnant women. To gargle should also use warm water.

17. Relieve toothache

Toothache can be assuaged using warm water. It is because warm water also acts as an antibiotic. Pain when a toothache can put down using warm water. The trick is to drink warm water in times of toothache you relapse, after that too often gargle using warm water.

18. Eliminate bad breath

Effects of drinking warm water also can eliminate mouth odor and relieve is very disturbing. Warm water effectively help reduce residual plaque attached at the mouth of one of the causes of bad breath.

19. Throw away the Fat

Hot water is very effective for helping to dispose of fat so that it can be immediately processed into CHAPTERS or the urine and does not accumulate in the intestine. The results are very satisfactory, fat in the gut will be ruined before it settles in the body.

Well, that's the benefit of drinking warm water you can feel, this practice was very well done, especially after consumption of foods high in fat.

THE BENEFITS OF DRINKING WARM WATER Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdul Rachim

