May 10, 2016

How To Decrease Obesity By Drinking Green Tea


Today, millions of people in the world start their day with a cup of hot tea. Someone drinking black tea, some green, someone to drink with sugar, another dink it sugar-free. Everyone knows that it is beneficial, but on the other hand, many people are not familiar with the quality of the green tea. In addition, many of them have not even heard about the diet tea, namely, diet with green tea and milk.

Those who want to lose weight and maintain weight loss practice their normal diet green tea and milk. Green tea and drink milk is very tasty, not causing a sense of hangers, but rather it is a very good cleanser and is used to detoxify the whole body of toxins.

One day diet with green tea and milk
For the one day diet with green tea and milk, you can lose from 0.5 to 2 kilos of weight you [excess fluid in the body].

Green tea and milk diet is recommended to be kept to for one day, and no more than twice per month.

Contraindications: intolerance of milk, kidney and gall bladder disease and low pressure. If you suffer from a chronic disease, it is desirable to consult with your doctor beforehand.

Recipes for diet green tea and milk.

  • 1.5 litres of low-fat milk.
  • 2 tablespoons of green tea.

You are encouraged to buy real green tea in healthy foods. Avoid using the tea bag filter because there will be no effect.

Add 2 tablespoons of green tea in boiled and cooled milk up 70 degrees [take care of this the milk should be warm, not hot]. Cover the bowl and let it stay for 20 minutes. Next, filter and drink it.

Drinking green tea and milk prepared should be drunk during the day, one cup every two hours.
Tea with milk to absorb better, facilitate the work of intestines, and milk reduces the effects of caffeine.

Drink still water for diet.
At least two liters of water per day are needed to drink milk and green tea is a diuretic, and water balance control body.

Green tea and milk set free the body of hanger, and therefore you will not feel hungry while consuming this drink.

How To Decrease Obesity By Drinking Green Tea Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdul Rachim

