May 22, 2016

BEWARE of Lumps like this in your eyelids! Immediately Check to see a doctor!!!


Yellowish bumps near the eyelids is a sign that the owner of the cholesterol levels lump it above normal or high.

Yellowish bumps near the eyelids is medically referred to as xanthelasma. This indicates the owner of the bump of high cholesterol levels. So speaking consultant dermatologist from Sydney, Australia, Dr. Emma Starritt.

Xanthelasma is happening because there is a blocked arteries in the skin resulting in heaps of fat that is formed around the eyes. Sometimes the lump as it is also found in the nose and mouth.

Still according to Dr. Emma as reported by Dailymail, yellowish bumps from the not always associated with high cholesterol, but also shows the deviation of the metabolism of fat in the blood.

Whether this yellowish bumps can be treated? Dr. Emma says that these bumps can be treated with burn skin layers using TCA Chemical Peels. The burning point to get rid of melasma.

Although it can be eliminated, similar bumps could reappear at any time if the patient is not able to control their cholesterol levels within him. Immediately consult the doctor before taking medication such as Statins (cholesterol lowering medications) If you or your relatives have lumps like this.

BEWARE of Lumps like this in your eyelids! Immediately Check to see a doctor!!! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdul Rachim

