May 29, 2016

YOUR WART NEVER Lost It? BELOW I will give you a VERY EASY WAY, this might be the BEST WAY for you.


Warts are the result of Human Papilloma Virus that have more than 100 types that affect people in different ways somewhere, but most often it depends on immunity. Strains that cause common warts are not dangerous to a certain extent, while other more serious strains.

Because they are caused by a virus, they have a tendency to disperse to other body parts and others. If certain medical treatments containing chemicals does not help you, don't hesitate to try this natural remedy.

This is a very widespread infection that everyone is subject to and can be transmitted through contact with the skin or mucous membrane-or transfer. They are not harmful to human health.

For the preparation of this product, you will need:

  • 2 fresh eggs
  • Cotton
  • Bandages

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and bake the shells of the eggs for 30 minutes on paper bread. After the mussels will be cooled, destroying them both, and it would be better to make a powder of them.

Store flour Shell in glass jars dry.


Apply the powder on the warts. Cover with cotton and stick with a bandage. You have to keep it 2-3 weeks; change it after three days with a new one.

YOUR WART NEVER Lost It? BELOW I will give you a VERY EASY WAY, this might be the BEST WAY for you. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Abdul Rachim

